12 April, 2012

Conservative Talk Radio War?

Maybe this is elected naïveté, but I am still going to hold out hope; according to NPR, Mike Huckabee is going to have a radio show to compete with Rush Limbaugh (http://www.npr.org/2012/04/12/150365244/huckabee-pledges-more-civil-alternative-to-limbaugh). The hope onto which I am holding centers on Huckabee’s claim that his show will be “the community of conversation.” The implied contrast is with Rush Limbaugh, who offers his listeners a community of confrontation and aggression. Look, I am no Limbaugh fan, particularly because I find him to be guilty of applying the most deplorable rhetorical tactics to sway his audience towards his improbably claims. Moreover, the hypocrisy of a former drug addict and likely sex tourist (http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-201_162-1753947.html) advising the nation about the moral decrepitude of others is too hard to take.

Therefore, while I may not be a political supporter of Huckabee I welcome a different conservative voice that claims to prefer conversation to vituperation and welcomes disagreement with consideration instead of denigration. As for Limbaugh, I am enjoying the irony that economic competition may erode his appeal, particularly because he is such a staunch supporter of free markets and the competition associated with capitalism. Maybe this conservative media war will provide the sort of thoughtful entertainment radio shows like Limbaugh’s own have failed to provide. So man the battlements conservatives, there is a civil war! We more moderate folk will wait to clean up the mess, as is so often the case.


  1. While we do not share much common ground on some key societal issues, I like Mike Huckabee or at least his media persona. But one of his key attributes is that it does not feel or look like a persona. In addition, he actually listens to those that disagree and is respectful in his response. Also, good sense of humor, can go toe-to-toe with Jon Stewart and such. Plus he slaps a funky bass. I have to worry that the climate out there might not embrace a rational, respectful approach that talks about issues rather than relies on fear and ad hominem attacks. It will be interesting to watch, I believe there is an audience for a different approach to am radio? The appeal of Limbaugh alludes me, the drug hypocrisy, the possible sexual tourism, which considering the countries he has been located in, the age of the girls (or boys) might be in question. Also, when he admitted that he would "no longer carry the water" for phony Republicans after an election cycle totally exploded his whole independent ethos. But his core audience loves him, but as many have shown, his audience is nowhere near the size that he claims. Probably explains the viagra bust.

  2. That was a very funny concluding comment. I think the size discrepancy might explain a few things about this individual.
