31 January, 2012
Cleanliness is Next to ...
What originally was going to be my typical three hour cleaning session: vacuuming, dusting, surfaces, floors - worthwhile but a bit cosmetic - transformed itself into a monumental overhaul that was long over due. But as I have begun to alter my perspective, my ethos on life, I decided it was time to check off one of the big items on my to do list, so I hunkered down for large chunks of Friday, Saturday and Sunday to clean and organize (and I still have a ways to go). I have begun to gut the house - four buckets of paper and other recyclables so far, two very large trash cans of refuse, articles and teaching stuff organized and filed with tabs, library thinning (first batch of books donated to "Books to Prisoner") and so on.
For one of the first times in a long time, I tackled the hardest tasks first. First stop: the office. Generally a mash of books, music, stacks of paper (see below) - one of the two areas that are hit by my personal storm. But now, my office feels bigger, I found many things I forgot that I had and now know where they are (core articles in the field and essential for dissertation number one on the list of finds). My dining / living area is now clear of clutter, new CD shelves installed so large piles of CDs that were in four different locations are now organized and in place. The kitchen pantry is culled, some food expired and regrettably discarded (but recycled containers when possible and one box for the local food pantry). My cooking area (prep area, cook books) still needs a bit of work. My bedroom no longer has countless issues of Vanity Fair and NME that have slid down the side as I slept. And my bed has new sheets, I love sleeping on new sheets. Clothing has been folded, organized and put back in place so again I know what I have and know where it is (plus another box for the local men's shelter). I have made a partial dent in the guest bedroom but that was the primary staging area for this clean out so it will come last. The bathroom has yet to be touched but other than just regular use, this cleaning is classic bathroom cleaning. I'm not including the basement (a copout, I know).
Much like this blog, these past three days have reinforced my recent efforts to alter, change, adapt my perspective on life, left me sore (I tore a part so much correspondence - junk mail, old mail, old bills, redundant financial crap from the mutual funds that have sucked over the last decade - that my left bicep and forearm a bit sore Monday, not so much today and produced the aforementioned recycling), produced many smiles and laughs (finding cool Holiday cards from kind friends lost at the bottom of the pile, old letters from girlfriends and other friends, postcards from countless spots in the world, photos of nephews and nieces and the dog, a few odd keepsakes from travels to England, Vancouver, Seattle, Panama, Mexico and such), a few cuss words as the overwhelming nature of this clean up took several momentary tolls on my mind, my patience (again see desk photo), a calm that comes from concentrating on a task and working toward completion, and just knowing where things are, what do I have, what do I need?*
How did it get this way? Not really sure that question matters: living alone, limited motivation and energy, and a tragic complacency that clouded my past (both recent and longer). But I am finally under the surface of this past, so while the work goes on, it feels good, not godly, just good.
*As I am in the middle of David Foster Wallace's Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, this long sentence makes total sense as well as the asterisk (this comparison is only regarding length of sentence and use of footnotes - nothing more - because that man can work a sentence, an idea, characters and dialogue, etc.). One of his sentences lasted nearly two pages, I was exhausted wondering how it would end, would it actually end?
30 January, 2012
Revenge (Imagined)
Provide selected members of Congress with a personalized butt plug and a Wookalar to help them insert it sans lubricant. It’s the American Way!
Introduce my grumpy neighbor to the Feces of the Week Club courtesy of my dogs. There is nothing like throwing bags of dog poop onto someone’s roof to start the week off right.
Make the executives at major recording labels and movie studies sit through a marathon of their most insipid cultural products. Bathroom breaks are only given when they are begging for forgiveness from consumers.
Use my dormant magic powers to disable the engines of the cars that speed through stop signs near my house.
Make all presidential candidates have their speeches dissected by a qualified rhetorician so that the offending candidates must explain and correct the fallacies, tautologies, and empty promises from which their speeches are constructed.
Trying to Improve My Mood
Speech to Text Errors: Have you ever tried to dictate the words "Darth Vader" to your cell phone?
Remaining calm when others drive erratically. Even though I used to live in Los Angeles where road rage can be deadly, I have only started to do this.
Really funny blog posts from Auditus. His impression of Jay was awesome, if not a bit offensive ;)
Wrestling with our youngest dog.
Improving my skills as a cook. Bison Bologonese anyone?
Writing with a fountain pen. Anachronisms can be attractive and useful, thank you very much.
Rocking out to Mike Doughty.
Playing and receiving a cleaver practical joke--thanks LBR staff.
Geeking out on my new mobile phone. Gingerbread for Android rocks!
Forcing myself to write this blog daily and finding the occasional response.
Checking out what the Oatmeal has on his website.
28 January, 2012
What Has Age to do with Food?
27 January, 2012
Damn straight it was a good [hair] day
Thesaurus' Kryptonite
Why I Still Like Netflix
Return of the Jay
26 January, 2012
A Little Advice from Billy Mack (of Love Actually)
25 January, 2012
Technology & Moderation
Never go with a hippie to a second location
For my money, no one has better timing nor uses their voice, their body, their face better than Alec Baldwin. The guy is a monster. From his characters in the Departed, Glengarry Glen Ross, the Good Shepherd, Running with Scissors, the Cooler to name just a few film roles, even the narrator as the Royal Tenenbaums to his legendary work as Stanley Kowalski on Broadway and other stage work, the man is an acting monster. And with the brilliant mind (and not too shabby a performer in her own right) of Tina Fey, they have created one of the best satirical commentaries on class, capitalism, the mythology of our political parties, corporate culture, masculinity / femininity, consumerism, and entertainment via the character Jack Donaghy – it is devastating in its sharp wit, pointed criticism – and I am routinely amazed to find it via the usual crass, over-simplified and formulaic genre of the half-hour television situation comedy broadcast by a multi-national corporation. Of course it would be better to have the audio/visual component, even on the page the humor and critique shines. Here is a sample:
Liz: Cross-promotional... deal mechanics... revenue streams... jargon... synergy.
Jack: That's the best presentation I've ever heard.
Avery: I don't know why our daughter would be afraid of Reagan.
Jack: Are you accusing me of not doing enough Reagan time with her?
Jack: I'm tired of talking this much to a woman I'm not having sex with.
Jack: Ambition is the willingness to kill the things you love and eat them in order to stay alive. Haven't you ever read my throw pillow?
Jack: In my defense, every April 22nd I honor Richard Nixon's death by getting drunk and making some unpopular decisions.
Jack [about GE]: We brought good things to life. And bad things to Chinese rivers.
Jack: All you have to do as the writing staff of an NBC show is incorporate positive mentions, or 'POS-MENS' of GE products into your program. For example you could write an episode where one of your character purchases, and is satisfied with one of GE's direct current drilling motors for off-shore or land-based projects.
Liz: Why are you wearing a tux?
Jack: It's after six. What am I, a farmer?
Jack: Lesson number one: you don't need anyone. Sure, Josh tests well with female viewers 12 to 24, which is important to advertisers because young women will buy just about anything
Jack: I think Angie is right-handed so you have to work her clockwise.
Liz: Wait, you've already thought about fighting her?
Jack: Every time I meet a new person I figure out how I'll fight them. You have a gimpy right knee, right?
Jack: She needs to lose thirty pounds or gain sixty. Anything in between has no place on television.
Jack: All of my summer replacement shows were big hits - America's Next Top Pirate, Are You Stronger Than A Dog, MILF Island.
Liz: MILF Island?
Jack: 25 super hot moms, 50 eighth grade boys, no rules.
Liz: Oh yeah, didn't one of those women turn out to be a prostitute?
Jack: That doesn't mean she's not a wonderful, caring MILF.
Jack: She is my lover. That's right. She's my liberal, hippy-dippy mama; my groovy chick; my old lady. She was our chief adversary during the Sheinhardt Wig hearings. She wants to tax us all to death and make it legal for a man to marry his own dog. But I think what we have is special, and I'm proud of her. And I'm not going to hide it any longer. I'm Jack Donaghy, damn it! And this is my woman.
Jack: Look how Greenzo's testing! They love him in every demographic - colored people, broads, fairies, commies. Gosh we gotta update these forms.
Jack: Never go with a hippie to a second location.
Jack: Lemon, you may be witnessing history here. Making it through a full twenty four hours without a single misstep is called "Reaganing." The only other people who've ever done it: Lee Iacocca, Jack Welch, and -- no judement -- Saddam Hussein. So, what have you got for me?
24 January, 2012
This land is your land, this land is mine

This historical amnesia is certainly nothing new, it just seems that our memory gets shorter and shorter. Certainly the complexities, hypocrisy, injustice and inequality that existed at the founding of this country is at the heart of this amnesia. We had to "forget" in order to deny the natives we rhetorically turned into savages in order to justify stealing their land, the blacks we kidnapped and enslaved, the poor we gave indentured servitude, and the women we subjugated to child-rearing and home-making - all denied the rights set forth at our founding. Full speed ahead on the liberty and justice for all.
ArtistS, Indeed
Identity & Authorship
I missed my own point ...
23 January, 2012
Just Let It Go
One day I was working at the label / store and was railing against commercial radio at the time (I have always had a strange love affair with radio, aha, a future post I see): “Britney Spears should go fuck herself, Christina Ag-whatever and her terrible vocal acrobatics, which of course means a desire for Mariah Carey and her voice to vanish forever.” So I am railing on and on, and everyone in the store is amused but did not share my frustration. I was also writing for the local independent newspaper at the time, so I announced my next piece would be on the state of popular, commercial music, etc. My friend Chris quietly said, “it’s not necessary, everyone knows they are shit, what they represent, how they got on the radio – why give it any attention, just let it go away.” His zen-like approach to popular entertainment and the mediums that cover it, support it, propagate it struck me. And so I did just let it go – at least externally. My internal screeds continued, mostly to myself, sometimes to others. This stuff is disposable; it does go away, replaced by the next over-sexualized female artist or wannabe fourteen year old playa talking about his junk and the lovin’ he gives out.
But last Monday the Google news page had some clever headline that sadly caught my eye about Elton John dissing Madonna. Short story: Madonna won an award over Elton. Elton basically said it was a joke, Madonna was a joke, and she is a desperate narcissist (go Elton). As we worship at the altar of media relations, publicists, and image management, of course Elton apologized a few days later. But this got me thinking about my friend Chris and what he said: just let it go away.
Jump to 2012 and it did not go away – it has simply metastasized into a 50 plus year old woman who is still considered by far too many people to be (a) an artist and (b) culturally significant. So, what if it is doesn’t just go away? What if it is considered as important to our history, our culture? What if it is given stature and respectability? And by the “it” in this post I mean Madonna.
First things first – acknowledgments to Madonna. I thought about burying this information in the middle of this post or excluding it altogether, but it is important to the story, I am not simply a hater. I own her Like a Prayer album, the song “Oh Father” is amazing, plus Like a Prayer, Express Yourself, Cherish, Love Song, Keep it Together are great pop songs. I also bought a completely bootlegged greatest hits album on the streets of Cuernavaca, Mexico because it had Beautiful Stranger and Ray of Light, two more great pop songs that I still play to this day when the mood strikes me.
I just pulled my copy of the Like a Prayer album and found an insert regarding AIDS that was included. So, this brings me to my next acknowledgment. This album came out in 1989 while a lot of this country was still using tragic phrases like the gay-plague and gay-cancer in reference to AIDS. I know Madonna has a huge following in the glbt community, and I applaud her efforts to advance issues and challenge stereotypes and bigotry. Likewise, I have heard from many a female friend that Madonna was empowering during their teen years. Madonna challenged the old-boys network and often found great success. As women were still struggling to find role models of powerful women, women succeeding at business, women leading organizations and institutions, I do not disregard this importance. And of course Madonna challenged the puritanical nature of our society when it came to s-e-x; she said sex is good, put it in our face and said deal with it – again I applaud her (but I need to return to this later and potentially problematize the rhetorical significance of her symbolism). Lastly, she has remained in the game for nearly thirty years, that type of longevity in the entertainment business means something, although I am not entirely sure what that is or how significant it is.
So, as I said, I am not a hater. To be honest, I had not given Madonna much thought until I saw that headline on Monday and since I had begun blogging over the past few weeks, light bulb went off. I had of course thought about the state of image management, persona, pop music and such for quite some time and Madonna gives me a vehicle to explore here below.
So, first things first: what is she? She calls her self an artist, a musician. I would say more like a performer, dancer. But, looking through these liner notes, she is given a writing credit for many of her songs, often the lead credit. Many of her other hits were written by others, and this is nothing new as the Brill Building churned out hit after hit, same thing with Motown, Memphis, Nashville, and so on. Back to her getting credit for writing these songs. How exactly does she do this? Part of mythology is that she played drums in a NYC punk band, well, that is complete shit. She began “learning” the guitar a few years ago and I remember seeing her play, it was pretty sad. She started learning her first instrument twenty-plus years into her career. So how does she write songs? Hum to musicians. There has been many a claim to plagiarism of others music and lyrics that have followed her as well, not sure if or how many of these claims were ever adjudicated? So, again, why does she receive credit for writing any of her songs? Yes, she has written lyrics, but often she changes a line or two in the song brought to her by collaborators and professional song writers. Some of the lyrics she has acknowledge writing from beginning to end are so inane and pedantic, it is no wonder she recently said she cannot listen to a lot of her songs. And I know the work she has done with William Orbit lately was done by William Orbit. No, I was not in the studio, but Madonna is a life sucker, she figures out what is hip and happening at the time, co-opts it as her own creation, packages it, and sells it under the label Madonna.
Two quick asides: (1) how in the world she still gets away with the English accent transformation she experienced is beyond me. She should be mocked, laughed at, ridiculed any time she opens her fucking mouth. (2) She is a terrible actor, she has been given countless acting opportunities with serious directors and respectable actors, and other than the time she played herself essentially (League of Their Own), she has been an unbelievable, inauthentic performer on the movie screen.
Now back to the biggest issue. As far as I can tell, Madonna’s best talent is creating media spectacles. But is not the business of celebrity just a different but brilliant and nefarious and diabolical revenue stream for media conglomerates. The same folks that put up the money for the business of Madonna also sell the magazines that keep us interested. Media relations people, brand managers, advertising executives, publicists are the true guardians of the gate these days. Perception is reality, and they make it so and repeat it ad nausea. But really how hard is it to create a media spectacle these days when it is all done under the same roof? The monster needs to be fed, and Madonna has the meat it wants. But this is applauded, rewarded; this is what passes for artistic achievement? So, if I frame Madonna as a performance artist, maybe I could go a bit easier. But she claims to be an artist, musician and gets away with it from too many people. And does this manipulation raise concerns about the intent behind her advocacy; was it all just good business. Maybe the intention does not matter as I would say on whole the positives out weigh her motivations regardless.
And Elton was right, she is a narcissist. Check out this letter she wrote in 2004, endorsing Wesley Clark (really?) for president (I used this letter in my persuasion class, the students had great fun ripping her apart):
I've never done this before. But life is about taking risks is it not?
I know that people seem to pay attention to everything I do. Big or Small. Ridiculous or Sublime. So I am hoping they pay attention to this:
I am supporting General Wesley Clark for President.
Not only as a "celebrity" but as an American citizen and as a mother. I want my children to grow up with the same opportunities that I had – to know and understand what's going on in the world and to travel that world safely and with pride.
I am writing to you because the future I wish for my children is at risk.
I now remember watching her commercial, I mean documentary, Truth or Dare many years ago and Warren Beatty asking her: why are you doing this, why are you letting cameras follow you. Madonna had some stupid, vapid response. Warren finally said, you are not capable of living off camera, there is no reason to. And that probably sums it up, she is a media personality at best and her work is simply about maintaining that. I guess it might be said that Madonna is aware that others are watching her and as such works to control and manipulate the gaze, I will await Thesaurus’ take on that.
I stumbled across this quote just now from her one-time brother-in-law, the musician Joe Henry, who said:
If I would have found this quote earlier, probably would have saved some time, but I had fun just letting it go.
20 January, 2012
Clean Shaven
Damn, guess which new release at the box office received these notices?
"This is a film so thoroughly rotten to its smarmy and diseased little core that tearing into it here hardly seems an adequate method of dealing with it -- going after the negative with battery acid and a sledgehammer might be closer to what it deserves."
"The production's penchant for contrivance is insufferable —- not a single spontaneous moment from start to finish."
"This is how kitsch works. It exploits familiar images, be they puppies or babies — [Auditus edit here to maintain the suspense, if only for a moment] — and tries to make us feel good, even virtuous, simply about feeling. And, yes, you may cry, but when tears are milked as they are here, the truer response should be rage."
"It’s Oscar-mongering of the most blunt and reprehensible sort."
19 January, 2012
Voices, on the page and in my ear
Doughty’s voice is perfect, his lyrics divine. Both playful and critical, dealing with the everyday, the otherworldly, and in-your-face criticism of the Western world, often all at the same time. Anyone that can write lyrics like these will always have a special place in my soul:
Slap myself to wake but now it's too late
Cause I spelled your name out on my license plate, Janine
Born to be a God among Salesmen.
Working the skinny tie.
Slugging down fruit juice.
Extra tall extra wide.
And the radio man says women were a curse
so men built Paramount studios
and men built Columbia studios
and men built Los Angeles
[ ]
and the radio man laughs because the radio man fucks a model too
gone savage for teenagers with automatic weapons and boundless love
gone savage for teenagers who are aesthetically pleasing,
in other words, fly
Los Angeles beckons the teenagers to come to her on buses
Los Angeles loves love
I've seen the Kansas of your sweet little myth
You've never seem to know
I'm half sick on the drinks you mixed
Has there ever been a better critique of Hollywood, consumer entertainment than Screenwriter's Blues? No book or critical essay has ever so perfectly nailed the underbelly of this institution for me (although I am sure they are out there). And I know it is about LA too, but the Hollywood smackdown always makes me smile. The way he hits "studio" or "listening" blows me away. And I must admit, it took be a couple of times to figure Soul Coughing out with Ruby Vroom. " Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago" did not resonate. It took "Down to This" for me to get it and get into it. I hope a song about killing does not symbolize something else. You cannot give this post to the prosecution!
I have been listening to a lot of Joy Division lately and thus Ian Curtis’s voice. His writing was filled with imagery of emotional isolation, death, and alienation, not uplifting stuff per se. I am certainly not depressed at the moment, but I find myself grooving on his voice lately. The bass-baritone thing, howling at times, sounding like a drunk uncle – I love it. Dance, dance, dance to the radio.
Why We Love & Despise Hank
The Sound and the Hush
Jones - ing Again

Good lord, Kelly Jones has some pipes and the easy comparison that most music journalism would reach for is Rod Stewart. But first off, Kelly would never utter the words "do you think I am sexy" let alone sing them. Second, Rod Stewart is a douche bag. My first thoughts for comparison were Johnny Rzeznik or Kim Carnes, singing from their guts but filtered through the daggers and chains that protect the esophagus. No, this is not Tom Waits, but there is some Stevie Nicks and Neko Case in there as well.
When I saw the name Jones in Thesaurus' post title, I thought, well, I fell in love with another Jones in the last two days, so I guess that means I should pen a quick ode. Her name is Sarah Jones and I stumbled across her while folding about a month's worth of clean laundry (man, I had gotten way behind again). She is an actress on this tv show from the people who made Lost (which I was a one time fan) called Alcatraz. While the plot is of course unique to this show, the similarities to Lost are overwhelming, from music, characters, etc. that I am not too interested in following this story again. But, I kept watching for one reason and one reason only - Ms. Jones. Maybe it was the Carrie Mulligan haircut, man I love this haircut on a woman. Or maybe it was because I thought her fashion sense was unique in the sense that every female cop on tv or in the movies are way too stylish. Or maybe it was the fact that as far as I could tell there was little to no make up on her face or it is one of the best, most natural make up artists at work. Or maybe because of her boobs (like, Jerry, I am a boob man too). Or maybe because of this image I just came across while writing this post of Ms. Jones standing in front of a Shelby Mustang. Regardless, for one night in front of a mountain of laundry, I had a crush. It was a feeling not had for a while, and it was nice to feel that pang in my heart.
Hanks Says
18 January, 2012
The Voice of Kelly Jones
Sorry Hank
I too am an admirer and friendly with Hank Moody. Unfortunately, Hank charges money for his friends to visit and in this economy, well, that seems a bit indulgent. He gave us all a free weekend a few weeks ago, but I was busy. My admiration is also rooted in a fantastical alter ego that occupies and haunts my imagination. My admiration is based on similar desires: to be raunchy, to fuck all kinds of women, and say shit like (HANK): “It could we worse, instead of finding out your husband was gay, you could have found out he was a scientologist.” (WOMAN): “I am a scientologist Hank.” (HANK): “Or a nazi, or al qaeda.” Conditioned as we are as upper middle class folks, we are sold a bill of goods that your late teens, early twenties is the time to be bold and brave, to meet all kinds of people, to have good and bad and awkward and a lot of sex, to experiment (for some it might be drugs, or ideas, or a bowl of jello – or all of the above), to travel the world, to be free before the crushing confines of capitalism weigh us down for the next forty years. For a variety of internal and external reasons I missed a lot of this time and as such I often waste far too much time thinking back and asking what if. So when I met Hank several years ago, I was initially awed, inspired by Hank. As Thesaurus noted, he was also a writer (the only thing I have ever really wanted “to be”). I had a man crush. But as Thesaurus slept on his first conversation with Hank, he examined quite eloquently the many reasons Hank and I wandered away from each other. There is only so much self destruction one can watch without re-examining their crush. And of course your view of women is problematic on so many levels (plus you have this amazing wife / ex-wife who kept giving you chances and you kept fucking up, to me almost unforgivable or at least incomprehensible). And I get that there might be a some kind of nobility in how up front you are with your conquests and your cock, and you live “with what is in front of you” but that is too easy (and you have a daughter, help me understand). But Hank’s skepticism still resonates and stays with me and I hope continues to guide me through this fucked up world. So indeed, raise a toast with some regularity and “meet everything with a raised eye brow.”