27 January, 2012

Why I Still Like Netflix

Confession time dear readers: I have an addiction problem. This is not a run-of-the-mill addiction like alcohol, overeating, or any such like. Rather, I am addicted to the moving image. Put more simply, I am easily entranced by television shows and movies. Lest you think I have lost my sense of taste, I will say in my own defense that I will not watch just anything; sports commentaries, vapid sitcoms, Fox News broadcasts, much reality television, and children’s programming are all unappealing to me. Still, many of the currently produced dramatic, adult animation, or mystery shows will suck me in if I let them. As a result, Casa de Thesaurus has no cable or local television, but I do have Netflix. Now I know that many Netflix customers have fled this service with the recent change in the company’s rate plans, but I am not one of them. In fact, I still feel that their service is convenient, cost effective, and pretty darn cool. Back before the rate split between streaming and DVD mailings, I would stream all manner of things and then watch selected DVDs. However, my addiction would sometimes get the better of me and I would stream hours of shows each evening, which is why I opted to go with the DVD service only. I know this makes me old school, but at least it keeps my viewing to more reasonable levels. Also, many of the foreign shows and films that I like are only available on DVD, or at least they were (who knows now that I cannot see what is available to stream). Moreover, I still possess a childlike glee thinking that something that I want is coming in the mail. What is not to like? I have a huge backlog of titles that I want to see, my plan gives me two of them at a time, and I can keep my addiction in check. Netflix is also far cheaper than cable, some fifty or more dollars a month cheaper. Finally, I don’t have to deal with commercials. All said, I am rather content with Netflix, so a word of thanks to them. Dearest Netflix, I will not be abandoning you.

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