Good lord, Kelly Jones has some pipes and the easy comparison that most music journalism would reach for is Rod Stewart. But first off, Kelly would never utter the words "do you think I am sexy" let alone sing them. Second, Rod Stewart is a douche bag. My first thoughts for comparison were Johnny Rzeznik or Kim Carnes, singing from their guts but filtered through the daggers and chains that protect the esophagus. No, this is not Tom Waits, but there is some Stevie Nicks and Neko Case in there as well.
When I saw the name Jones in Thesaurus' post title, I thought, well, I fell in love with another Jones in the last two days, so I guess that means I should pen a quick ode. Her name is Sarah Jones and I stumbled across her while folding about a month's worth of clean laundry (man, I had gotten way behind again). She is an actress on this tv show from the people who made Lost (which I was a one time fan) called Alcatraz. While the plot is of course unique to this show, the similarities to Lost are overwhelming, from music, characters, etc. that I am not too interested in following this story again. But, I kept watching for one reason and one reason only - Ms. Jones. Maybe it was the Carrie Mulligan haircut, man I love this haircut on a woman. Or maybe it was because I thought her fashion sense was unique in the sense that every female cop on tv or in the movies are way too stylish. Or maybe it was the fact that as far as I could tell there was little to no make up on her face or it is one of the best, most natural make up artists at work. Or maybe because of her boobs (like, Jerry, I am a boob man too). Or maybe because of this image I just came across while writing this post of Ms. Jones standing in front of a Shelby Mustang. Regardless, for one night in front of a mountain of laundry, I had a crush. It was a feeling not had for a while, and it was nice to feel that pang in my heart.
Crushes can be productive, and I am sure Hank would approve.