09 January, 2012

I Guess Today is Sartorial Monday

I understand your love of short pants. Sadly, my somewhat skinny--someone once called them frog-like--legs means that I often prefer pants. I, too, lack the courage to wear a kilt, though I have wanted to buy and wear one for some time. The extent of my mania has even led me to research my maternal family's tartan colours. But my real point here is you; with your build and imposing stature, there is no reason for you not to don one. I think you would look smashing, particularly with a good pair of socks and combat boots. If you want to give the finger to "the man" then you simply must try it. Here are a few links to get you started:
Working class kilts: http://www.utilikilts.com/
Kilts for everyone: http://www.sportkilt.com/

As for my own style, I tend to prefer anachronistic fashions and/or traditional British clothes. In other words, I like ascots, driving caps, thick wool pants, and tweed. However, I also indulge my androgynous side by wearing necklaces, rings, feminine sweaters, and tight tee shirts that harken back to the 50s.

Let us make a deal. I will wear my ascot one day this month if you wear a kilt. Deal?

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