24 January, 2012

ArtistS, Indeed

As usual, Thesaurus does a magnificent job of eloquently exploring the state of popular art in this modern world. I think my critique of Madonna was meant to be less about her individual production of art but rather the machine that props it up and validates it in the same sentence. But as I stated in my brief follow up, my post missed its intended mark. There is no doubt that Nigel Godrich contributed immensely to Radiohead's best records, Mario C. and the Dust Brothers were the architects that helped put together the Beastie Boys samples and sounds, Martin Scorcese relies heavily, and acknowledges such, on his DP, set designer(s), editors, and of course his actors. Art is always a collaborative process. And we cannot forget the audience and the meaning they make and add to its artistic creation. Ultimately, I think I am just annoyed by the disposable nature of everything. The historical amnesia is now faster than ever in this country, distracted by creations that cloud or distort issues so that we can live comfortable in our ignorance.

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