07 February, 2012

Blog Crush

If you did not know, Ana Marie Cox is now blogging for The Guardian, a UK newspaper that I peruse often. Reading her opening comments for that entity gave me a bit of a crush, at least of the prosaic sort. All I have to say here is the following, and please excuse the Jack Black voice I seem to be adopting this afternoon: Rock on fair maiden of political analysis and criticism. I look forward to your insights, and might I say you look fetching? Here is a link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/ana-marie-cox-blog/2011/sep/26/ana-marie-cox-introduction

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, a agree with the multiple assessments you have made above. I love the line "American politics contains both its own critique and its own parody." Good find, rock on sister, rock on.
