23 February, 2012

Dear Anonymous,

Turn off your radio, Fox News, and take a break from blogs like Start Thinking Right, and START thinking for your self.  Just because someone repeats something over and over does not make it true.  Your claim that all, or the majority, of the "mainstream media" is liberal is a tired trope.  You seem to be confusing and conflating the editorial page of some newspapers and individual talking-heads on some of the info-tainment television shows you identify as this singular entity - "the media".  First off, there is simply no such thing as THE media.  This trope you deploy was invented to both claim victimhood by various institutions and political perspectives, and more importantly create a perpetual bogeyman that can be trotted out daily to justify the need and existence for Limbaugh, Fox News, and so on.  Both political parties use similar devices (Democrats: all republicans are wealthy, big business whores / Republicans: all democrats are yellow-belly on national defense).  What should trouble you most is that journalism was once rooted in the belief that its job was to hold those in power accountable to the people - the Fourth Estate.  Guess what, those in power did not like this, so what did they do - began an unrelenting campaign to demonize the media.  Today, the media you speak of has one bias and one bias only - money.  And by the way, why is it a waste of time reading and talking to those you disagree with?  We live in a deliberative democracy, where ideas are debated, issues discussed in a civil manner.  We were and are interested in having an honest, civil debate - instead we are called names, the last time I had an argument like this, I was in grade school.


  1. That's rather ironic considering your colleague's other post. "START thinking for yourself..." By reading this blog? This is hardly unbiased, and is hardly a place that, upon reading a few of your posts, is inviting for debate. You claim you are, but any opposition is met with the same hate, generalization, and stereotypical remarks you demonize. All in all, you both sound very childish, and you both seem to enjoy making baseless claims for arguments.

  2. Please reference these "baseless claims" you speak of? Please reference the "same hate, generalization and stereotypical remarks you demonize" that you reference so that I can respond? All you have done so far is repeat the talking points of the Republican Party, so that was why I encouraged you to think for your self. Name the topic and I will debate without name-calling or demonization but with respect.

  3. And one more thing: my suggestion that you start thinking for your self is not intended to suggest that your political perspective is wrong, just encouragement to engage in perspectives other than your own, as well as conservative thinkers like John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Leo Strauss, Milton Friedman, and William F. Buckley.
