28 February, 2012

P 183 As Analogy

I realize that by writing this I may be contradicting myself, but I can live with that. Reading The Guardian online today brought my attention to P183, the Russian graffiti artist (http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/shortcuts/2012/feb/26/russian-banksy-paints-for-motherland).

So far I really like what I have seen of his work, but thinking about P183 made me consider an interesting analogy between blogging and graffiti; much graffiti is just tagging and/or a mundane semiotics intended only to be interpreted by a small group of viewers, or those unlucky enough to be confronted by it in a confined space, like a bathroom stall. Very rarely does graffiti carry a powerful message via clever imagery. Our recent exchanges with the Wrongful Thinking Blog Posse (WTBP) would qualify, analogically speaking, as a tagging of the virtual online space. But tagging is not nearly enough for me. I crave something edifying, creative, thought provoking, potentially threatening, and memorable. If I try hard enough I may get there, but I can say this to the WTBP and those like them: Stop tagging and try creating. Your conservative/evangelical tags engender no great insights; instead they tell the world that your little bit of turf is controlled by people more worried about barriers and qualified membership than productive exchanges with your neighbors. What a waste of potential.

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