The next presidential/congressional election is months away and I am already fatigued. Therefore, now seems like an ideal time for a rant in order to prepare myself once again for the further political maneuvering that is taking place as I write this.
My point today is rather simple--we are all at fault. I say this because prior to Obama we elected and supported a president who thought we as a country could fight two wars simultaneously (not to mind erroneously) without raising taxes. Not only did we not increase our government’s revenue but we allowed Congress to cut taxes. There was a brilliant strategy. Hey Republican majority, where was your fiscal conservancy then? Next, we allowed this same President to stop his agencies from enforcing laws related to the safety of various industries and the populace. What was the result? We had mine collapses, extensive damage from natural disasters, and a new Department of Homeland Security. By the way, when was the last time you were treated humanely by one of those Homeland Security people?
How about the sorry state of the banking industry before the economic collapse? Did we, as a society, heed the warnings of those who noted the opaque practices of banks, investment firms, and brokerages? Heck no! We just let them pull us into a morass of economic decline and then bailed them out. Who was in charge? The answer is pathetic—several of the same folk who are now complaining about Obama’s handling of the economy. Well gents, and let’s face the fact that most of the most strident critics of Obama are men, I hold you all accountable. And to those blathering, illogical, and sensationalist demagogues like Sean Hannity, go gag yourself. You failed to cry out when, economically speaking, the country was heading toward the precipice and now that we have gone over the edge I have no interest in hearing your latest claims of calamity, particularly if you think the real danger is the threat to (your pathetic) religion. Oh please, as if that was in danger.
Now what? I really do not know, but I would start by spreading the blame well beyond the current President. Next, I extend a metaphorical middle digit to Fox News and other such Republican bolsters. And no, I am not another disgruntled democrat. Rather, I am one of those dissatisfied independent voters you so often try to lure to your side of the ballot when you fear your candidate’s chances are too close to call. You might have had a chance for my vote at one point, but not now when you are so willing to prostrate yourself before various industry leaders (remember Enron?) and the religious right. I loathe you all!
In closing, I wish your power mongering would be exposed and your threadbare claims of political insight were labeled for what they were—a blatant and extended strategy of misinformation. As for your myriad supporters—crackpot religious defenders and employers of fallacies (here is an example: am ready to debate. Bring your holy swords, for I will be employing my feral claws, teeth, and a rough tongue. The badger is ready!
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I have witnessed the badger, y'all. Be wary, be very wary.