17 February, 2012

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

It has now been nine days since I first came across this image and it keeps flashing inside my forehead as images dance across the screen of my imagination.  It is a scene from the Chilean Winter as the Chilean police attempt to control and disperse a crowd of Chilean students protesting its educational system in September 2011 (both secondary and collegiate) and its rising costs, corruption, and fundamental inequality (nearly 60 percent of schools are controlled by private interests).  I could not stop staring at this picture: the chaotic action, bodies in every direction and falling on to one another, searching for relief, pressed against a metal fence, the specter of the water canon blasting away, and for me, the three dogs in various states of being.  I am a dog person, no other way around it; I am now in the twelfth year of amazing companionship with my boy WP.  I cannot decide if these are strays, which are common (at least from my extended stay in Central / Southern Mexico and Costa Rica) in this region of the world.  There are no signs of collars and the cops have no compunction about firing a powerful and painful water canon in their direction.  Yet, the dogs are in one instance biting the hand of a fleeing student,  and the other dog that is not attempting a hand stand appears to be surveying the scene, ready to corral and pounce.  Plus most of the dogs I witnessed on the streets were tragically emaciated while these dogs seem as if they are well-fed.  So, strays who came upon a student protest or one tool in the State’s arsenal to control the People?

Ah, the state and the people.  Why do we reflexively, often without thought or concern, turn to extreme measures to control each other while hiding behind the public safety shield?  Yes, human history has endless examples of people rioting, out-of-control mob action, and the like.  Yes, human history has terrible and deadly examples of group think that was twisted and deployed to incite rampage and mayhem.  Yes, any state should have a desire and responsibility to protect its citizens.  But why is citizen protest lumped into this category?  Why do the police show up in body armor, full length shields, weaponry like billyclubs, pepper spray, guns (lethal and non-lethal), water canons, and massive tank-like vehicles?  Is it as simple as tradition, this is how we always have done it?  Or is it the fundamental principle and moral perspective of any person in a position of power and control?  Can we un-learn this behavior?  I guess my questions will lead to claims of naivete’ and hippie desires for peace, love and understand (but what so funny about that anyway).  But we claim behavior is learned, then why are there never any alternative methods for public gatherings and those we entrust to protect and serve?  In this country, we all were revolutionaries on July 4, 1776, with bounties on our head for treason.  On July 5, 1776, folks were already trying to figure out how to manage and control its people.            

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